Agroblend Kosova

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Solar Universal 20:20:20

Produkt Plehrues

Informacion rreth produktit

Full name: Solar Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE

It is a balanced fertilizer used for feeding plants in all stages of growth.

Ju lutemi kontaktoni shërbimin teknik për këshilla mbi kultura dhe kushte specifike.


Informacion shtesë

It is a balanced fertilizer used for feeding plants in all stages of growth. Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE ensures proper plant development throughout the entire vegetative period. It can also be used in mixture with plant protection product



Azot (N) 20%
- Nitric Nitrogen 6%
- Azot amoniakal 4%
- Ureic Nitrogen 10%
Fosfor (P2O5) 20%
Potas (K2O) 20%
Magnez (MgO) 3%
Sulfur (SO₃) -
Bor (B) 0.02%
Bakër (Cu) 0.01%
Hekur (Fe) 0.1%
Mangan (Mn) 0.05%
Molibden (Mo) 0.01%
Zink (Zn) 0.01%


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