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Produkt Plehrues

Informacion rreth produktit

Laperla is a very early table potato variety with high yield, yellow flesh color, and a very attractive smooth, light yellow skin. It can be cultivated in early potato production areas and is mainly marketed for fresh consumption.

Laperla particularly exhibits very good tolerance to drought and resistance to potato blight race 1, PCN Ro1, and partial resistance to Pa2. 

Ju lutemi kontaktoni shërbimin teknik për këshilla mbi kultura dhe kushte specifike.


Plant Characteristics

Characteristic Value
MaturityVery early
Vegetative developmentStrong plant
Flower colorRed - violet
Foliage developmentMedium
Number of tubersHigh
Dormancy periodMedium


Tuber Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Tuber shapeOval to round
Flesh colorE verdhë
Eye depthShallow, very superficial
Skin colorE verdhë
Skin textureSmooth


Disease Tolerance Table

Disease/Pest Resistance Level
NematodeRo 1
Potato blightRace 1
Leaf blightModerate
Tuber blightHigh
Common rotGood
Internal rotModerate to high
FusariumVery high
Skin blemishesHigh
Internal blemishesVery high
PVY virusGood


Production & Quality

Characteristic Value
Main useCooking, fresh consumption
YieldVery high
Tuber uniformityVery uniform
Cooking typeVery good for cooking
Color changeRetains color after cooking
Dry matter contentLow


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