Formulimi: Emulsion ujor (EW)
Lloji: Fungicid sistemi me spektër te gjerë veprimi.
GALILEO 125 EW eshte fungicid sistemi me spektër te gjerë veprimi, për kontrollin e sëmundjeve të hardhisë, pemëve frutore, perimeve dhe bimëve dekorative. GALILEO 125 EW mundëson maksimumin e mbrojtjes ndaj sëmundjeve, me mënyra të ndryshme aplikimi te tipit parandalues si dhe sherues. Perdoret ne faza te ndryshme vegjetative, i vetëm ose në përzierje me produkte të tjera, në varësi të trajtimit të përshtatshëm.
Ju lutemi kontaktoni shërbimin teknik për këshilla mbi kultura dhe kushte specifike.
Udhezime pёr ndihmën e parё dhe këshilla pёr mjekun:
First Aid Instructions and Advice for the Doctor:
• H317: Mund të shkaktojë reaksion alergjik të lëkurës.
• H361: Suspected of damaging fertility.
• H373: May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
• EUH208: Contains spinetoram and 1.2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. May cause an allergic reaction.
• In case of inhalation: Move the person to fresh air.
• In case of breathing cessation: Alert emergency services or an ambulance, then administer artificial respiration; to perform mouth-to-mouth respiration, the rescuer should use proper protection (e.g., a pocket mask).
• In case of skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• In case of eye contact: Keep the eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.
• Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes and continue rinsing the eyes.
• P101: If medical advice is needed, keep the container or product label nearby.
• P308-P313: If exposed or concerned: Immediately call a poison center or a doctor.
• No specific antidote. Symptomatic treatment.
Verejtje per perdorimin:
Në rastin e zonave me nivele historikisht të larta infektimi, përfshini produktin në një program specifik të
kontrollit të dëmtuesve.
To reduce the likelihood of resistance phenomena, the product should be included in a strategy that alternates spinetoram-based and spinosad-based products with others that have different mechanisms of action. Do not perform more than two treatments per season. Strictly follow the dosages indicated on the label. Treat in the absence of wind.
When used alone, the product does not show phytotoxicity problems.
Ndikimi ne mjedis:
– H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Avoid contaminating water with the container or product. To protect aquatic organisms, do not use closer than 20 meters from water surfaces. Avoid cleaning equipment near water surfaces.
– P273: Do not pollute the environment.
– P391: Collect spillage.
– P501: Dispose of the product/container in accordance with local regulations.
– SP1: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container.
– P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with legislation. Do not clean sprayers near surface waters. Avoid contamination via drainage systems.
– 3 days for citrus, cherries, and sour cherries.
– 7 days for apples, pears, quinces, wild apples, medlar, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, figs, blueberries, persimmons, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries.
– 14 days for pistachios.
– 21 days for olives.
Kushtet e ruajtjes dhe magazinimi:
Store the product in sealed containers, in dry and cool places. The storage temperature should not exceed 35°C. Do not store in direct sunlight or humidity.
Delegate is based on spinetoram, an active ingredient derived from a bacterium (Saccharopolyspora spinosa) present in the soil and later chemically modified. It is used for controlling a wide range of pests that feed on leaves, including lepidopterans, thrips, leaf miners, and some psyllids that infest various crops.
In apples, pears, quinces, medlar, persimmon, pomegranate, and figs: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with an interval of 7-14 days. Against Cydia pomonella, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against Pandemis spp., Argyrotaenia pulchellana, Archips spp., Adoxophyes spp., treat when eggs hatch or against winter brood larvae with 300-400 g/ha. Against peach borer (Cydia molesta), treat near harvest time with 300-400 g/ha. Against Leucoptera scitella, Phyllonoricter spp., treat at the hatching of the first eggs with 350-400 g/ha. Against Psylla pyri, treat at the yellow egg stage with 400 g/ha. The product has a good effect against Cacopsylla melanoneura, which may be present when treating the main pests.
In peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries, and sweet cherries: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with a 28-day interval. Against peach borer, Anarsia lineatella, and Cydia funebrana, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against thrips (Thrips meridionalis, Thrips major, Frankliniella occidentalis), treat at the first appearance of the pest with 300-400 g/ha. Against Asian fruit fly (Drosophila suzukii), treat at the appearance of the pest with 300-400 g/ha. The product also has a good side effect against Ceratitis capitata.
Ne ullinj: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with a 28-day interval. Against olive borer (Prays oleae) and (Philaenus spumarius), treat when the pest is present with 75 g/ha.
Ne agrume: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with 300-400 g/ha, at a 7-14 day interval. Against psyllids, leaf miners, leaf curlers, and citrus thrips (Scirtothrips citri), use with 800 g/ha/season. Do not use in greenhouse citrus.
Ne hardhi: 2 treatments per season are allowed. Against grapevine borer and thrips, treat at egg hatching with 250-300 g/ha.
In pistachios: 1 treatment per season is allowed. Against Agonoscena sp., treat at the appearance of the pest with 100 g/ha.
In strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries: 2 treatments per season are allowed. The doses refer to a solution of 1200-1500 liters/ha. Against Cydia pomonella, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against Pandemis spp., Argyrotaenia pulchellana, Archips spp., Adoxophyes spp., treat when eggs hatch with 300-400 g/ha. Against peach borer, treat near harvest time with 300-400 g/ha.
For all crops, use 1000-1500 liters of solution/ha.
• P102: Mbani larg mundësive të fëmijëve.
• P103: Lexoni etiketën përpara përdorimit.
• P201: Merrni udhëzime të veçanta përpara përdorimit
• P202: Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
• P281: Perdorni veshje mbrojtese
• P405: Magazinojeni të kyçur.
• EUH401: Për të shmangur rreziqet për shëndetin e njeriut dhe mjedisin, respektoni udhëzimet e përdorimit.
Lëndët vepruese | |
Spinetoram | 25g (250 g/kg) |
The product should be used alone. If mixed with other formulations, the longest waiting period must be observed. Calibrate sprayers to spray only from close range. Do not apply when wind speeds exceed 15 km/h. When used in high temperatures, calibrate sprayers to emit larger droplets to prevent rapid evaporation.
Ju lutemi kontaktoni shërbimin teknik për këshilla shtesë mbi pajtueshmërinë.
Për një listim të të gjithë produkteve dhe informacioneve rreth përdorimit të produkteve.