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Gure Kali 98-99%

Agroblend Gurë Kali 98-99% Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Active Ingredient: Copper sulfate 98-99% in crystalline form Can be used concentrated or mixed with lime in the form of Bordeaux paste. Usage:– Winter treatment for all crops– Fungicide for various fungal diseases– Can be used concentrated or mixed with lime– Very high solubility without residue Contact Now >> Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Alial 80 WP Olive Gold (22-6-12 +0.3 Bor) suluSOP 52% Take Up

Paste Bordoleze 20%

Agroblend Bordeaux Mixture 20% Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 1kgFormulation: Water-soluble powder (WP)Type: Contact fungicide with preventive and curative action Bordeaux mixture is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide used as a preventative against a wide range of fungal diseases sensitive to copper. Thanks to its special formulation and the perfect copper-calcium combination, the product is ideal for ensuring uniform coverage for the crops where it will be used. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> First aid instructions and medical advice: • H318: Causes serious eye damage. P305 + P351 + P338: IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT: rinse with plenty of water and soap for several minutes; remove contact lenses and rinse thoroughly. • In case of skin or mucous membrane contact: rinse with plenty of water and soap. • In case of inhalation of spray solution with respiratory organs: move the affected person to a warm and ventilated area. • P310: Seek immediate medical attention or go to an anti-poison center. THERAPY: Stomach lavage with milk and egg whites, and in cases of high copper levels, use gel-forming substances like penicillamine orally or CaEDTA and BAL intramuscularly. Information Additional Information PhytotoxicityDo not apply during blooming. This product may be phytotoxic to crops not mentioned on this label. On peach, apricot, and certain apple varieties (Abbondanza, Belfort, Black Stayman, Golden Delicious, Gravenstein, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, Morgenduft, Stayman, Stayman Red, Stayman Winesap, Black Davis, King David, Renetta del Canada, Rosa Mantovana) and pear varieties (Abate Fetel, Buona Luigia d’Avranches, Butirra Clairgeau, Passacrassana, B.C. William, Dott. Jules Guyot, Favorita di Clapp, Kaiser, Butirra Giffard), which are sensitive to copper, Bordeaux mixture can be phytotoxic if used during rapid vegetative growth. In such cases, non-use is recommended. Environmental Impact:H410: Very toxic with long-lasting effects on aquatic organisms.P273: Avoid release into the environment. Do not pollute waterways, ditches, or ponds with the spraying solution or packaging.P391: Collect spillage. Waiting Period (Pre-Harvest Interval):• 3 days for strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, root vegetables, bulb vegetables, cucurbits.• 7 days for leafy crops and fresh herbs.• 40 days for stone fruits.• 20 days for other crops. Storage:Store in the original containers in dry, ventilated areas at temperatures between 0°C and 35°C. Information Usage & Dosage Usage:Bordeaux mixture is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide used as a preventive measure against a wide range of fungal diseases sensitive to copper. Thanks to its special formulation and the perfect copper-calcium combination, the product ensures uniform coverage for crops where it will be applied. Solution Preparation:Dissolve the required amount of product in a small quantity of water, then pour it into the tank filled with the necessary amount of water, mixing continuously. The product is neutralized, and no lime should be used. Bordeaux mixture should be applied according to the calendar norms for control, with intervals of 7-12 days, depending on temperature and humidity conditions. During seasons with heavy rainfall, larger doses and shorter treatment intervals should be used.It is compatible with main antiparasitics, especially with sulfur formulations. Usage Notes & Compatibility:Treated seeds that have been in excess after sowing should not be used as food for humans or animals. Do not apply against the wind. In case of mixing with other formulations, the longest waiting period should be followed. Also, carefully observe the guidelines for products with higher toxicity. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. CAUTION:It should be used only in agriculture; any other use may be dangerous. Following the instructions is essential to ensure treatment effectiveness and avoid damage to plants, humans, or animals. Information Precautionary Measures Precautionary Measures: • Keep in a safe place out of reach of children. • Store in a dry, cool place, away from food and beverages for humans, as well as animal feed. • Avoid prolonged contact of eyes and skin with the product. • Avoid inhalation of the product while preparing the spraying solution and during spraying. • Do not eat, drink water, or smoke during use. • P280: Wear gloves, appropriate work clothes, goggles, and a face mask. • After finishing the work, wash protective equipment and spraying tools. • After completing the task, wash hands and exposed body parts. • EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, follow the usage instructions. • P501: Dispose of containers in accordance with the current regulations. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients 20% metallic copper in the form of copper sulfate, blended with calcium Information Usage & Dosage Crop Parasites Time of Use Dosage Vine Downy mildew, anthracnose, black rot, secondary action against Botrytis – treatments before flowering – treatments after flowering – treatments for closure 600-700 g/hl 700-1000 g/hl 800-1000 g/hl Pome fruits (Apple, pear, fig) Scab, monilinia, septoria, branch canker, alternaria – treatments in autumn – treatments before flowering – treatments after flowering 800-1600 g/hl 700-1000 g/hl 800-1000 g/hl Olive Peacock eye, anthracnose, and other bacterial diseases Treatments at the end of winter 800-1200 g/hl Kiwi Neck rot 10-15 liters of solution based on the trunk 800-1200 g/hl Strawberries Powdery mildew, rot, anthracnose Vegetative start 500-1000 g/hl Rice Green algae As soon as the first signs appear 6-10 kg/ha Crop: Vine Parasites: Downy mildew, anthracnose, black rot, secondary action against Botrytis Time of Use: Treatments before flowering, after flowering, and for closure Dosage: 600-700 g/hl, 700-1000 g/hl, 800-1000 g/hl Crop: Pome fruits (Apple, pear, fig) Parasites: Scab, monilinia, septoria, branch canker, alternaria Time of Use: Treatments in autumn, before flowering, and after flowering Dosage: 800-1600 g/hl, 700-1000 g/hl, 800-1000 g/hl Crop: Olive Parasites: Peacock eye, anthracnose, and other bacterial diseases Time of Use: Treatments at the end of winter Dosage: 800-1200 g/hl Crop: Kiwi Parasites: Neck rot Time of Use: 10-15 liters of solution based on the trunk Dosage: 800-1200 g/hl Crop: Strawberries Parasites: Powdery mildew, rot, anthracnose Time of Use: Vegetative start Dosage: 500-1000 g/hl Crop: Rice Parasites: Green algae Time of Use: As soon as the first signs appear Dosage: 6-10 kg/ha Agroblend Check out

Sulfolac 80 WG

Agroblend Sulfolac 80 WG Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 1kgFormulation: Water-dispersible granules (WG).Appearance: Brown granules.Type: Contact fungicide with preventive and curative action SULFOLAC is a sulfur-based fungicide in the form of water-dispersible microgranules, used for fighting powdery mildew. The special formulation enables fast action and long-lasting stability on plants. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> First aid instructions and medical advice: • In case of skin contact, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. • In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical help. • In case of ingestion, drink 1-2 glasses of water and induce vomiting. • In case of inhalation of vapors, move the affected person to fresh air. • If unconscious, perform artificial respiration, and when breathing is difficult, administer oxygen and seek medical help at the nearest hospital, showing the doctor the label. • No specific antidote is known. Symptomatic treatment Information Additional Information Warnings for use:Mix with commonly used plant protection products, excluding those with alkaline reactions and mineral oils. Impact on the ecosystem:• Not harmful to aquatic organisms. Do not contaminate water bodies, watercourses, the spray solution, or empty packaging.• Not harmful to bees. Phytotoxicity:Not phytotoxic when used at the recommended doses and as per the instructions above. Withholding period:• For apples and pears: 14 days• For grapevines: 56 days. Storage:Keep in the original packaging, tightly closed, in dry, dark, and ventilated areas, at temperatures between 10-30°C. Information Usage & Dosage In grapevines: for control of powdery mildew (Uncinula necator), use 10 kg of product/ha, with up to three treatments. For control of escoreiosis, use 12.5 kg of product/ha. In cereals, for control of powdery mildew, use 10 kg of product/ha. In apples: for control of powdery mildew, use 1% before flowering, and 0.75% during and after flowering. Information Precautionary Measures • Keep out of reach of children. • Keep away from animal feed, beverages, and human food. • Do not eat, drink, or smoke while working. • Wear work clothes and protective equipment. • After work, wash hands and exposed parts of the body. • Clean protective equipment and spraying tools. • Dispose of packaging according to current regulations. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Sulfur 80% Information Compatibility Mix with commonly used plant protection products, excluding those with alkaline reactions and mineral oils. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products GARDENE Solar Micro Finisher 12-6-36 +TE Kalisop (50% K₂O + 44% SO₃) Entec Super® 13-10-20 +TE

Batalion 450SC

Agroblend Batalion 450SC Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 1LFormulation: Concentrated Suspension (SC)Type: Systemic fungicide with a broad spectrum of action. A systemic fungicide with a broad spectrum of action, for the control of diseases in fruit trees, vines, vegetables, and ornamental plants. It provides maximum protection against diseases, with various application methods, both preventive and curative. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> First aid instructions and medical advice:If you need medical advice, keep the container or label of the product on hand.In case of exposure or contact: Seek medical advice/attention. • General information: Poisoning symptoms may occur even after many hours; if symptoms appear, place the affected person under medical supervision. • In case of inhalation: Keep the person in clean air and call a doctor. If the affected person is unconscious, keep them or transport them in a side-lying position. • In case of skin contact: Wash hands thoroughly immediately with water and soap. If skin irritation persists, consult a doctor. • In case of eye contact: Rinse eyes by holding the eyelids open for several minutes with running water. Seek medical treatment. • In case of ingestion: Rinse the mouth. Do not induce vomiting; seek immediate medical help. • If necessary, show the doctor the packaging or label of the product. • No specific antidote known. Treat symptomatically. Information Additional Information Mode of Action:Batalion 450 SC is a fungicide in the form of a concentrate for preparing a water-based suspension with a surface effect, intended for preventive and curative use. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES, WITHHOLDING PERIOD, AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF USE The period from the last application to harvest day (withholding period):• Apple, pear – 28 days.• Raspberry, strawberry – 3 days. It is recommended to use the agent alternately with fungicides from other chemical groups for a different mechanism of action. TO COMBAT THE FORMATION OF DISEASE RESISTANT STRAINSFungicides containing active substances from the anilinopyrimidine group (pyrimethanil, cyprodinil) should not be used more than 4 times during the growing season. PREPARATION OF THE SOLUTIONBefore preparing the solution, determine the required amount. Shake the contents of the package before use. Pour the measured amount of the agent into the partially filled sprayer tank (with the agitator running). Rinse the empty bottles three times with water and pour the rinsate into the sprayer tank along with the solution. Add water to the required amount. After pouring the product into the sprayer tank, which is not equipped with a hydraulic mixer, mix the liquid mechanically. TREATMENT OF RESIDUES AND CLEANING OF THE EQUIPMENTThe residues of the working solution after use should be treated in a manner that minimizes the risk of surface and groundwater contamination, in accordance with the provisions of the Water and Soil Pollution Law, i.e. • after dilution, it can be used on the treated area, if possible • or neutralized with the use of technical solutions ensuring the biological degradation of the product’s active substances • or disposed of in any other manner according to the provisions for waste disposal. Clean the equipment thoroughly after use.Use the same protective equipment when dealing with cleaning water for the equipment. Information Usage & Dosage Product for use with self-propelled sprayers or tractors. Apple– Venturia inaequalis.– Maximum dose for a single application: 1.0 l/ha.– Recommended dose for a single use: 0.7 – 1.0 l/ha.– Use the higher recommended doses in cases of greater disease risk.– Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 3.– Minimum interval between treatments: at least 7 days.– Application time: Used from the visible flower bud stage to the end of the flowering phase (BBCH 55-69), preventively every 7-10 days depending on weather and signaling, or as intervention up to 72 hours after infection.– Recommended solution volume: 500 – 750 l/ha.– Recommended spraying: medium droplets. APPLICATION OF THE PRODUCT IN SMALL CROPS AND SMALL APPLICATIONSThe user is solely responsible for the effectiveness and phytotoxicity of the product used in small crops. Strawberry– Botrytis cinerea– Application time: Use the product from the beginning of the flowering phase to fruit maturation (BBCH 61-87).– Maximum recommended dose for a single use: 1.66 l/ha.– Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 2.– Interval between treatments: at least 7 days.– Use the agent with a self-propelled garden sprayer or a tractor-type sprayer with a range of Fragaria or a fan sprayer with a directed airflow.– Recommended solution volume: 500-750 l/ha.– Recommended spraying: medium droplets. Raspberry– Botrytis cinerea, Didymella applanata– Application time: Use the product during the period of greatest disease risk when the fruit is in full bloom and after harvesting the fruit and pruning old shoots (BBCH 65-87).– Maximum recommended dose for a single use: 1.66 l/ha.– Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 2.– Interval between treatments: at least 7 days.– Apply the agent using a fan sprayer with a directed airflow.– Recommended solution volume: 1000 l/ha.– Recommended spraying: fine droplets. Pear– Venturia pirina– Application time: Use the product from the visible flower bud phase to the end of the flowering phase (BBCH 55-69), preventively every 7 days depending on weather and signaling, or as intervention up to 72 hours after infection.– Maximum dose for a single use: 1.0 l/ha.– Recommended dose for a single use: 0.7 – 1.0 l/ha.– Use the higher recommended doses in cases of greater disease risk.– Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 2.– Interval between treatments: at least 7 days.– Recommended solution volume: 500-750 l/ha.– Recommended spraying: medium droplets. Information Usage & Dosage CARE FOR WORKERS AND OTHERSBefore using the product, all interested parties who might be at risk from spray drift and who have requested such information should be informed.Eating, drinking, or smoking during product application is prohibited.Inhalation of the product should be avoided. Avoid skin contamination. • OPERATOR: Must wear protective gloves and protective clothing (including a hooded coverall) to protect against the effects of plant protection products, as well as appropriate footwear during the preparation

Galileo 125

Agroblend Galileo 125 Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Formulation: Water emulsion (EW)Type: Systemic fungicide with a broad spectrum of action. GALILEO 125 EW is a systemic fungicide with a broad spectrum of action, used for controlling diseases in vineyards, fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants. GALILEO 125 EW provides maximum protection against diseases, with different application methods, both preventive and curative. It is used in various vegetative phases, either alone or in combination with other products, depending on the appropriate treatment. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> First Aid Instructions and Medical Advice:First Aid Instructions and Advice for the Doctor: • H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction. • H361: Suspected of damaging fertility. • H373: May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. • EUH208: Contains spinetoram and 1.2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. May cause an allergic reaction. • In case of inhalation: Move the person to fresh air. • In case of breathing cessation: Alert emergency services or an ambulance, then administer artificial respiration; to perform mouth-to-mouth respiration, the rescuer should use proper protection (e.g., a pocket mask). • In case of skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. • In case of eye contact: Keep the eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. • Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes and continue rinsing the eyes. • P101: If medical advice is needed, keep the container or product label nearby. • P308-P313: If exposed or concerned: Immediately call a poison center or a doctor. • No specific antidote. Symptomatic treatment. Information Additional Information Usage Warning:In areas with historically high infection levels, include the product in a specific pest control program. To reduce the likelihood of resistance phenomena, the product should be included in a strategy that alternates spinetoram-based and spinosad-based products with others that have different mechanisms of action. Do not perform more than two treatments per season. Strictly follow the dosages indicated on the label. Treat in the absence of wind. Phytotoxicity:When used alone, the product does not show phytotoxicity problems. Environmental Impact:– H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Avoid contaminating water with the container or product. To protect aquatic organisms, do not use closer than 20 meters from water surfaces. Avoid cleaning equipment near water surfaces. – P273: Do not pollute the environment.– P391: Collect spillage.– P501: Dispose of the product/container in accordance with local regulations.– SP1: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container.– P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with legislation. Do not clean sprayers near surface waters. Avoid contamination via drainage systems. Withdrawal Period:– 3 days for citrus, cherries, and sour cherries.– 7 days for apples, pears, quinces, wild apples, medlar, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, figs, blueberries, persimmons, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries.– 14 days for pistachios.– 21 days for olives. Storage Conditions:Store the product in sealed containers, in dry and cool places. The storage temperature should not exceed 35°C. Do not store in direct sunlight or humidity. Information Usage & Dosage Usage:Delegate is based on spinetoram, an active ingredient derived from a bacterium (Saccharopolyspora spinosa) present in the soil and later chemically modified. It is used for controlling a wide range of pests that feed on leaves, including lepidopterans, thrips, leaf miners, and some psyllids that infest various crops. In apples, pears, quinces, medlar, persimmon, pomegranate, and figs: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with an interval of 7-14 days. Against Cydia pomonella, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against Pandemis spp., Argyrotaenia pulchellana, Archips spp., Adoxophyes spp., treat when eggs hatch or against winter brood larvae with 300-400 g/ha. Against peach borer (Cydia molesta), treat near harvest time with 300-400 g/ha. Against Leucoptera scitella, Phyllonoricter spp., treat at the hatching of the first eggs with 350-400 g/ha. Against Psylla pyri, treat at the yellow egg stage with 400 g/ha. The product has a good effect against Cacopsylla melanoneura, which may be present when treating the main pests. In peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries, and sweet cherries: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with a 28-day interval. Against peach borer, Anarsia lineatella, and Cydia funebrana, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against thrips (Thrips meridionalis, Thrips major, Frankliniella occidentalis), treat at the first appearance of the pest with 300-400 g/ha. Against Asian fruit fly (Drosophila suzukii), treat at the appearance of the pest with 300-400 g/ha. The product also has a good side effect against Ceratitis capitata. In olives: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with a 28-day interval. Against olive borer (Prays oleae) and (Philaenus spumarius), treat when the pest is present with 75 g/ha. In citrus: 2 treatments per season are allowed, with 300-400 g/ha, at a 7-14 day interval. Against psyllids, leaf miners, leaf curlers, and citrus thrips (Scirtothrips citri), use with 800 g/ha/season. Do not use in greenhouse citrus. In vineyards: 2 treatments per season are allowed. Against grapevine borer and thrips, treat at egg hatching with 250-300 g/ha. In pistachios: 1 treatment per season is allowed. Against Agonoscena sp., treat at the appearance of the pest with 100 g/ha. In strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries: 2 treatments per season are allowed. The doses refer to a solution of 1200-1500 liters/ha. Against Cydia pomonella, treat at egg hatching with 300-400 g/ha. Against Pandemis spp., Argyrotaenia pulchellana, Archips spp., Adoxophyes spp., treat when eggs hatch with 300-400 g/ha. Against peach borer, treat near harvest time with 300-400 g/ha. For all crops, use 1000-1500 liters of solution/ha. Information Preventive Measures • P102: Keep out of reach of children. • P103: Read the label before use. • P201: Obtain special instructions before use. • P202: Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. • P281: Use protective clothing. • P405: Store locked up. • EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, follow the instructions for use. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Spinetoram


Agroblend Fontelis Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Formulation: Suspensible concentrate (SC)Type: Fungicide with broad spectrum of action FONTELIS is a new fungicide with a broad spectrum of action for controlling various fungal diseases in fruit trees, vegetables, vineyards, and ornamental plants. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> First Aid Instructions and Medical Advice: In case of skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse immediately with plenty of water. If the person feels unwell or experiences skin irritation, consult a doctor. In case of eye contact: Keep eyes open and carefully rinse with plenty of water, even under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Consult a specialist for treatment advice. In case of inhalation: Move the person to fresh air. If necessary, administer oxygen and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, if possible. Consult a doctor for further medical advice. In case of ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Immediately notify a doctor. Do not induce vomiting unless advised by a doctor. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. – P308-P313: If exposed or feeling unwell: Immediately call a poison center or doctor/physician.– P101: If medical advice is needed, keep the container or product label available.– No specific antidote is known. Symptomatic treatment. Information Additional Information Usage Notes:FRONTELIS is compatible with many pesticides, liquid fertilizers, and biological products. Avoid mixing in the sprayer tank unless recommended on the label or by experts. To avoid the phenomenon of resistance, treat according to the recommendations. Do not apply under poor weather conditions, in the rain, with wind, or during hours with high temperatures. Do not apply with spraying equipment that is not functioning properly or is damaged. It should be used preventively, treating as soon as favorable conditions for disease development appear, ensuring that the entire vegetative mass is sprayed. Use only suitable spraying equipment. Impact on the Ecosystem:Moderately toxic to mammals and birds. Slightly toxic to bees. H400: Very toxic to aquatic organisms. H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. SP1: Do not pollute water with the product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/avoid contamination through runoff from gardens and roads). SPe3: To protect aquatic organisms, respect an untreated buffer zone of 10 meters in surface watercourses. Do not apply this product directly or near a water surface and in all other aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, irrigation channels, drains, etc. Respect distances for protected areas (min. 20 m). P273: Avoid release into the environment. Withholding Period:3 days for vegetables; 7 days for leafy vegetables; 21 days for apples and pears; 3 days for peaches, apricots, and nectarines. Storage and Handling:Store in original containers in dry, cool, and well-ventilated areas, at temperatures between 1-30°C, away from direct sunlight and flammable materials. There is a risk of self-ignition if stored in damp environments. Information Usage & Dosage UsageIn apples, pears: For controlling scab, powdery mildew, alternaria, and brown spots on pears, use 75 ml/100 liters of water. If applied before the end of flowering, use a solution volume of 1000-1200 liters/ha (750-900 ml/ha). Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 7-day interval. In peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries, and figs: For controlling Monilia spp. (brown rot) and powdery mildew during flowering, perform 1 single application with 75 ml/100 liters of water; during the fruit development and ripening phase, perform a maximum of 2 applications with 1.5 liters/ha in a solution of 500-1000 liters of water. Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 7-day interval. In vineyards: For controlling powdery mildew, use 75 ml/100 liters of water in 1000-1200 liters/ha (750-900 ml/ha). Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 7-day interval. In tomatoes, eggplants: For controlling botrytis and sclerotinia: – In open fields, use 2.4 liters/ha in 500-1200 liters of water; perform 1 application per season. – In greenhouses, use 2 liters/ha in 500-1000 liters of water. Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 5-day interval. In peppers (in greenhouses): For controlling botrytis, use 2 liters/ha in 500-1000 liters of water. Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 5-day interval. In pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, squashes, etc.: For controlling botrytis, powdery mildew, and sclerotinia: – In open fields, use 2.4 liters/ha in 500-1200 liters of water; perform 1 application per season. – In greenhouses, use 2 liters/ha in 500-1000 liters of water. Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 5-day interval. In leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage, arugula, etc.): For controlling botrytis and sclerotinia, use 1.5 liters/ha in 200-1000 liters of water. Perform 1 treatment per season. In Strawberries: For controlling botrytis and powdery mildew, use 1.75 liters/ha in 200-1000 liters of water. Up to 2 treatments per season can be performed, with a 5-day interval. This product can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Consult your extension service or local professionals to determine the infection levels for treatment. Information Preventive Measures • P102: Keep out of reach of children. • P103: Read the label before use. • P201: Obtain special instructions before use. • P202: Do not handle until all safety warnings have been read and understood. • P281: Use protective clothing. • P391: Collect spillage. • P405: Store locked up. • P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local legislation. • EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use on this label. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredints Penthiopyrad 200 g/L Information Compatibility FRONTELIS is compatible with many pesticides, liquid fertilizers, and biological products. Avoid mixing in the sprayer tank unless recommended on the label or by experts. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage.


Agroblend Talendo Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 30mlFormulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)Appearance: Beige-colored granules TALENDO is a systemic fungicide for controlling grapevine downy mildew. Contact Now >> First Aid Instructions and Advice for the doctor Symptoms in Case of Ingestion:Denaturation of mucosal proteins causing ulcers, liver and kidney damage, central nervous system (CNS) impairment, and hemolysis.Yellow-colored vomiting, hematochezia (bloody diarrhea), abdominal colitis, liver and kidney failure. In Case of Skin or Mucosal Contact:Wash thoroughly with plenty of water and soap. In Case of Inhalation of the Spray Solution:Move the affected person to a warm and ventilated area. Immediate Action:Seek assistance at the nearest hospital and provide the product label to the doctor. Treatment:Symptomatic therapy. No specific antidote is known. Information Additional Information Phytotoxicity:It is not phytotoxic when treatments are carried out as specified on this label. Impact on the Ecosystem:• Toxic to fish. Do not contaminate flowing waters, canals, or reservoirs with the spray solution or packaging. • Toxic to vertebrates. Withholding period:28 days. Storage:Store in its original packaging, in dark, dry, and cool environments, well-ventilated and secure from fire hazards. Information Usage & Dosage Usage: In vineyards for wine and table grapes: for the control of downy mildew, using 0.2 L/ha and 1000 L/ha of solution. Start applications from the beginning of vegetation until 28 days before harvest. Treatments can be repeated every 7 days, but no more than 4 treatments per season. It is used in combination with other fungicides for downy mildew that have a different mode of action. Usage Notes: Compatible with other plant protection products (PPPs).Should not be used during flowering. Information Precautionary Measures: • Keep in a safe place and out of reach of children. • Store in a dry and cool place, away from food, beverages, and animal feed. • Avoid prolonged contact of the product with eyes and skin. • Avoid inhaling the product during the preparation of the spray solution and during spraying. • Do not eat, drink water, or smoke while using the product. • Use protective equipment during work: coveralls, gloves, masks, goggles. • After finishing the work, wash protective equipment, spraying tools, hands, and exposed parts of the body. • Dispose of packaging in accordance with applicable regulations. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Proquinazide 200 gr/lit Information Compatibility Compatible with other plant protection products (PPPs). It is used in combination with other fungicides for downy mildew that have a different mode of action. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Gardentop Pasta Plus GSP ULTRA Ultra OLIVE (22-6-12 +0.3 Bor) PatentKali 0-0-30 K20+10 MgO +44 SO3 30 %

Neoram WG

Agroblend Neoram WG Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Formulation: Water-dispersible granules (WG).Type: Protective fungicide with a high copper content and contact action. NEORAM WG is a protective fungicide with a high copper content and contact action. It is used to control several fungal diseases in various agricultural crops, especially in vineyards and vegetables in both greenhouses and open fields. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Additional Information Warning for use: It should not be applied during flowering. It should not be mixed with alkaline PMBs or those containing Thiram. Phytotoxicity: In some cultivars of peaches, nectarines, apricots, and certain apple varieties (Abodanza, Golden Delicious, Gravenstein, Jonathan, Stayman, Reneta) and pears (Abate Fetel, Butirra Clairgeau, Passacrasan, William, Favorita di Clapp, Kaiser, Butirra Gifard), it may cause phytotoxicity if used during full vegetation. In these cases, it is recommended to apply when the plant’s lush vegetation begins to fall. However, when treating bacterial diseases, phytotoxicity becomes a secondary issue, and treatments should be carried out as indicated on this label. It is phytotoxic to cucurbits. Impact on the ecosystem: H400: Very toxic to aquatic life. H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Relatively toxic to bees. Harmful to livestock, therefore avoid grazing in areas treated with this product. Withholding period: In vegetables, 3 days; in other crops, 20 days. Storage: Store in dark, cool places in the original packaging at temperatures between 0°C and 35°C. Information Usage & Dosage Use: In fruit trees, both pome and stone fruits: In winter treatments: For pome fruit, to control the winter phases of diseases such as scab, bacterial diseases (Pseudomonas syringae, Erwinia amylovora), and fungal cankers on branches (Nectria galligena, Phomopsis mali, Sphaeropsis malorum); For stone fruits: to control twisted leaves and leaf curl, as well as other fungal diseases. Two preventive treatments are done: one before leaf fall and another during bud swelling. The recommended dosage is 500-600g/100L of water during bud swelling and pink bud stage. In vegetation: Used against the above diseases with a dosage of 200-250g/100L of water. In vineyards: for controlling downy mildew, escoria, black rot, with a dosage of 200-300g/100L of water, and in cases of severe infestations, 250-400g/100L of water, treating throughout the entire vegetative phase, except during flowering. In vegetables (in greenhouses and fields): for controlling mildew, alternariosis, and cladosporiosis, as well as preventing the spread of bacterial diseases like bird eye disease (Corynebacterium michiganense), bacterial necrotic spot (Pseudomonas syringeae), and bacterial black spot (Xanthomonas campestris). Treatments are repeated every 7-10 days depending on climatic conditions and disease intensity. The recommended dosage is 250-350g/100L of water. In citrus: for controlling Pseudomonas syringeae, mal secco, Phytophthora, anthracnose, with a dosage of 250-300g/100L of water. In olives: for controlling olive fly, mildew, with a dosage of 250-350g/100L of water, applying early preventive treatments in spring. In potatoes and tobacco: against downy mildew, with a dosage of 2.5-3kg/ha. In strawberries: against neck rot, with a dosage of 200-300g/100L of water, starting early in the vegetation phase. In ornamental plants: against anthracnose, mildew, rust, bacterial diseases, with a dosage of 200-300g/100L of water, starting early in the vegetation phase. Information Precautionary Measures • Store in dry and cool places, away from food and beverages for humans, as well as feed for livestock. • Avoid inhaling the product while preparing the spray solution and during spraying. • P264: Wash hands immediately with plenty of water. • P270: Do not eat, drink, or smoke during use. • P101: If medical advice is needed, have the product container or label available. • P102: Keep out of reach of children. • P103: Read the label before use. • P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. • P501: Dispose of the contents/container in accordance with applicable regulations. • EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, follow the instructions for use. • P391: Collect and clean up spills. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Copper oxychloride 50% (metallic copper) 37.5% Information Compatiblity Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products NOV@ Diserbone KN Solar Map 12:61:0 Biostar

Kentan DF

Agroblend Kentan DF Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Type: Fungicide with dispersible granules based on copper hydroxide.Formulation: Water-soluble granules (WG). Fungicide with dispersible granules based on copper hydroxide. It effectively combats a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases affecting various agricultural crops. KENTAN can also be used for the prevention of algae in rice fields and other water surfaces Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Characteristics Kentan is produced in a new and dedicated factory using “FLUID BED” technology to ensure an unparalleled water dispersibility, resembling almost micro granules without any dust. • Prevents the germination of fungal spores. • Blocks the respiration process of pathogens. • Slows down protein biosynthesis. • Prevents the permeability of fungi. • The formulation is very simple to use and safe. Information Usage & Dosage Dosage per 100L of water and method of use:It is used for foliar spraying. The normal volume of the spray solution is 1500-1800L/ha for fruit trees, 1000L/ha for vineyards, and 600-800L/ha for other crops. In cases of treatments with a smaller spray volume, apply the necessary dosage per hectare. Vineyard: Downy mildew, escoria, black rot, parasitic rust – intervene as a preventative with a dose of 200-300g every 6-8 days, depending on climate conditions, plant development, and infection pressure. Citrus: Citrus cancer, anthracnose, branch dieback, rotting, gomosis, bacterial diseases – intervene monthly starting from the end of January with a dose of 200-300g. Apple, Pear, Quince: Scab – intervene with a dose of 200-300g before flowering and after the fruiting phase, depending on climate conditions, vegetative development, and infection pressure. Monilia, stone fruit cancer – intervene after complete leaf drop and at the bud swelling stage with 500-1000g. Neck rot – 300g using 10-15 liters of solution per plant. Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Plum, Almond: Monilia, scab, branch cancer, rotting – winter treatments with a dose of 500-1000g, spring-summer treatments with a dose of 200-300g. Olive: Leaf mildew, downy mildew, trunk cancer, olive fly – intervene at the most suitable time with a dose of 200-300g. Kiwi: Neck rot – 300g using 10-15 liters of solution per plant. Vegetables:Intervene with a dose of 200-300g as soon as favorable conditions for infection development appear: Carrot: Alternaria Garlic, Onion, Shallot: Downy mildew, gray mold, bacterial rot Tomato: Cladosporiosis, fruit rot, downy mildew, black rot, bacterial diseases, gray mold, Alternaria Pepper, Eggplant: Anthracnose, black leg rot, gray mold Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Cucumber: Angular leaf spot, downy mildew, gray mold, bacterial diseases, anthracnose Cabbage: Downy mildew, rot, aphid rot Cauliflower, Fennel, Parsley, Celery: Downy mildew, bacterial diseases Potatoes: Downy mildew, rot, Alternaria. Intervene with a dose of 2-3kg per hectare as soon as favorable conditions for infection development appear and repeat as necessary. Decorative plants, Flowers: Downy mildew, leaf mildew, rust, bacterial diseases – intervene with a dose of 200-300g as soon as favorable conditions for infection development appear and repeat treatments as necessary. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients: Metallic copper hydroxide 40% Information Compatibility Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Altacor Nitrophoska Super 20-5-10 (+3MgO+12,5SO₃) Ultra Fert 12-12-17 (+2MgO+234SO₃+TE) Solar Starter 11:40:11+TE

Alial 80 WP

Agroblend Alial 80 WP Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 0.25kg (250gr)Formulation: Wettable powder (WP)Type: Systemic fungicide with a long-lasting effect A powerful systemic fungicide with preventative and curative action. It is applied as a foliar spray and fights various diseases such as Phytophthora, Pythium, Bremia, Peronospora, Plasmopara, and also has an effect on pathogens like Phomopsis, Alternaria, Penicillium, Venturia, among others, as well as some bacterial diseases like Erwinia amylovora. Although it has curative action, it is recommended to be used preventatively. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Additional Information Phytotoxicity: At the recommended doses and on the recommended plants, no signs of phytotoxicity are observed. Usage Warning: Treatments should be performed when there is a risk of infection or based on the data provided by the forecast. Use large volumes of spray solution to ensure good coverage of the leaf mass. It is not compatible with mineral oils and copper-based products. If mineral oils have been used, wait one week before applying. It is not compatible with foliar fertilizers containing mineral nitrogen. Environmental Impact: Harmful to aquatic organisms: may cause long-term effects in the aquatic environment. This material and its packaging should be disposed of safely. Do not contaminate water bodies with the product or its containers. Do not clean spraying equipment near surface waters. Avoid contamination through runoff. Withholding Period: – Citrus: 15 days– Grapevines: 21 days– Fruit trees: 14 days– Vegetables: 4-7 days Storage: Store in a dry, well-ventilated, dark place, in the original packaging. Information Usage & Dosage Apply as a foliar spray during the vegetation period on the following crops: Cucurbits (cucumber, melon, watermelon): For the control of downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis), use 0.2-0.3%. Repeat treatments every 8-10 days, ensuring good coverage of the leaf mass, using no less than 3 kg/ha of product. Grapevines: For the control of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola), use 0.2-0.25% combined with contact fungicides. Strawberries: For the control of downy mildew (Phytophthora cactorum and Phytophthora fragaria). Seedlings should be dipped in a 0.25% solution for 15 minutes before planting. After planting, carry out 2-3 sprays with the same dosage: one in the fall and two in the spring. This treatment technique helps significantly in destroying the parasite in potentially infected soils. Lettuce: For the control of downy mildew (Bremia lactuca), use 0.2-0.3%, applying at least 3 kg of product per hectare. Pome fruit trees (apple, pear): For the control of Phytophthora cactorum: apply as a foliar spray during the vegetation period, making one spray every month, starting after flowering and up to 40 days before harvest, using 0.25%. In weakened plants due to disease, where the leaf apparatus is unable to absorb the fungicide properly, treat the trunk and base of the plant once a month starting after flowering and up to 40 days before harvest. Prepare a paste using 5 kg of product dissolved in 100 liters of water and apply 1-2 liters per trunk. Citrus: For the control of parasitic gummosis (Phytophthora spp.), use 0.2-0.3%, applying 10 liters of solution per tree. In cases where plants have poor vegetation due to diseases, the fungicide is poorly absorbed by the leaves, and circulation within the plant fluids is weak. In these cases, trunk and branch treatments are also applied to the infected parts. Fruit tree nurseries: For the control of root rot caused by Phytophthora (Phytophthora spp.), make one spray every month, using 0.25%. Information Precautionary Measures • Keep in safe and out-of-reach places from children. • Store in dry and cool places, away from food and drinks for humans and animal feed. • Use protective equipment during work: coveralls, gloves, mask, glasses. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin with the product. • Avoid inhaling the vapor of the product through the respiratory system during the preparation of the spray solution and during spraying. • Do not eat or drink water or smoke while using the product. • After work, wash protective equipment, spraying tools, hands, and exposed body parts. • Dispose of the packaging according to the applicable regulations. Information Composition Composition Fosetyl-al 80% (800 gr/kg) Information Compatibility Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Ipogreen Coragen Entec Perfect 14-7-17 (+2MgO+22SO₃) Biostar