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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

Fantic F WG

Agroblend Fantic F WG Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 1kgType: Systemic and contact fungicideFormulation: Water-dispersible granules (WG)Appearance: Light brown granules. Systemic and contact fungicide, used for controlling downy mildew in vineyards, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Additional Information Usage note:It can be mixed with other products except those with an alkaline reaction. It can also be mixed with biostimulants and foliar fertilizers. Phytotoxicity:It should not be applied during flowering. For ornamental plants and flowers, it is recommended to perform tests to check sensitivity. Environmental impact:It is not harmful to bees. It is harmful to fish, so do not contaminate water with this product or its packaging. Waiting period:20 days for all crops.   Information Usage & Dosage • In vineyards: For the control of downy mildew, treat with 200-250 g of product. • In potatoes: For the control of downy mildew, use 200-250 g of product. • In tomatoes: For the control of downy mildew, use 200-250 g of product. • In onions: For the control of downy mildew, use 250-300 g of product. • In ornamental plants and flowers: For the control of downy mildew, use 200-250 g of product. The product should be stored in dark, dry places, at temperatures up to 35°C. Information Precautionary measures • Keep it in safe and inaccessible places for children. • Store in dry and cool places, away from food and drinks for humans and animal feed. • Avoid prolonged contact of eyes and skin with the product. • Avoid inhaling the product during solution preparation and spraying. • Do not eat or drink water or smoke while using the product. • Wear protective equipment: overalls, gloves, mask, goggles during work. • At the end of work, clean protective equipment and spraying tools. • After finishing work, wash hands and exposed parts of the body. • Dispose of packaging according to the applicable regulations. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Folpet 48% Benalaxil-M 4% Information Compatibility It can be mixed with other products except those with an alkaline reaction. It can also be mixed with biostimulants and foliar fertilizers. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Delegate HELENA Urea ( 40% N + l4 SO₃) Fontelis Entec 21

Curame 25WG

Agroblend Curame 25WG Home Fungicide Product Information on the product Weight: 1kgType: Fungicide for controlling mildew in grapes, tomatoes, and potatoes.Formulation: Water-soluble granules (WG). Fungicide in the form of water-soluble microgranules for controlling mildew in grapes, tomatoes, and potatoes. This product can be used as part of an IPM program, which may include biological control, cultural practices, and genetic methods aimed at preventing pests and diseases. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Ecosystem Impact Low toxicity to mammals, birds, and bees. H410: Very toxic to aquatic life, causing long-term harmful effects. SP1: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container (do not clean application equipment near surface water/avoid contamination via runoff from gardens and roads). SPe3: To protect aquatic organisms, maintain an untreated buffer zone of 10 m from surface water bodies. Do not apply this product directly or near a water surface and in all other aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, irrigation channels, drainage systems, etc. Respect distances for protected areas (min 20 m). P273: Avoid release into the environment. During application, avoid situations with strong wind. Information Usage & Dosage Grapes: For controlling mildew, use 250-300 g/100 liters of water (2.5-3 kg/ha). It is more effective when used for preventive purposes or in the early stages of infection (usually 2-3 days after rain) before symptoms become visible on the plant. Application can begin before flowering. Up to 4 treatments per season can be applied, with 8-10 day intervals. Do not treat during flowering. Potatoes, tomatoes: For controlling mildew, use 280-300 g/100 liters of water (2.5-3 kg/ha). Up to 5 treatments per season can be applied, with 8-10 day intervals. Cucurbits (cucumbers, melons, etc.): For controlling mildew, use 280-300 g/100 liters of water (2.5-3 kg/ha). Up to 4 treatments per season can be applied, with 8-10 day intervals. To avoid the phenomenon of resistance, apply according to recommendations. Do not apply under bad weather conditions, in the rain, with wind, or during hours with high temperatures. Do not apply with spraying equipment that is not functioning properly or is damaged. Apply a sufficient solution per hectare to ensure proper coverage of the treated crops. Only use equipment suitable for spraying. Information Additional Information Withholding period:10 days for tomatoes and cucurbits; 14 days for table grapes and potatoes; 28 days for wine grapes. Storage and handling:Keep in the original containers, sealed in dry and well-ventilated areas, away from sunlight. Avoid using high-pressure water (risk of contamination). Phytotoxicity:Should not be applied to plants suffering from stress due to drought, excess water, low temperatures, insect attacks, lack of fertilization, lime, or other factors that hinder plant growth. If used according to the recommendations provided here, it is not phytotoxic to plants. Do not use on sensitive varieties. Information Active Ingredients Active Ingredients Cymoxanil 42 g/kg Metallic Copper. 250 gr/kg (expressed as copper oxychloride). 397.5 gr/kg Information Compatibility Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Nitrophoska Super 20-5-10 (+3MgO+12,5SO₃) Delegate Solar Universal 19-19-19 Kentan DF