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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

Hydrofert 15-5-30+3MgO

Agroblend Hydrofert 15-5-30+3MgO Home Fertilizer Product Information on the product Full name: Hydrofert 15-5-30+3MgO Hydrofert is a line of microcrystalline fertilizers made from exceptionally pure raw materials, with an acidic reaction, complete and immediate solubility. Thanks to their characteristics, Hydrofert products can be used both in open fields and greenhouses to meet the nutritional requirements of any agricultural crop in any type of soil. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Usage & Dosage – Stimulates vegetative growth– Provides NPK + Calcium– Suitable for use in open fields and greenhouses. – The number of applications and dosage vary depending on the crop’s requirements, growth stage, and soil characteristics.– Do not exceed a 3% concentration. Store in secure, dry, well-ventilated places, away from direct sunlight, food for humans and animals, and out of reach of children. Do not reuse the emptied packaging but recycle or dispose of it according to applicable laws. Culture Dosage Fruit trees, industrial and open-field crops. 50-150 kg/ha per application (every 10 days). Vegetable crops in greenhouses. 5-15 kg/1000m² per application (every 10 days). Information Composition COMPOSITION w / w Nitric nitrogen (N) 3.5% Ammonium nitrogen (N) 1.9% Ureic nitrogen (N) 9.6% Total nitrogen (N) 15% Water-soluble phosphate (P2O5) 5% Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O) 30% Calcium oxide (CaO) – Magnesium oxide (MgO) 3% Boron (B) 0.01% Copper (Cu) 0.01% Iron (Fe) 0.02% Manganese (Mn) 0.01% Molybdenum (Mo) 0.005% Zinc (Zn) 0.01% Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Euro Olive (12-6-6+6 CaO+ 28SO₃+2MgO+0.3B+1.5Zn) Cyto Flow PLUS 30 GARDENE Nitrophoska Perfect 15-5-20 (+2MgO+8SO₃+ TE)

Solar Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE

Agroblend Solar Universal 20:20:20 Home Fertilizer Product Information on the product Full name: Solar Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE It is a balanced fertilizer used for feeding plants in all stages of growth. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Additional Information It is a balanced fertilizer used for feeding plants in all stages of growth. Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE ensures proper plant development throughout the entire vegetative period. It can also be used in mixture with plant protection product Information Composition Composition Nitrogen (N) 20% – Nitric Nitrogen 6% – Ammoniacal Nitrogen 4% – Ureic Nitrogen 10% Phosphorus (P2O5) 20% Potassium (K2O) 20% Magnesium (MgO) 3% Sulfur (SO₃) – Boron (B) 0.02% Copper (Cu) 0.01% Iron (Fe) 0.1% Manganese (Mn) 0.05% Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% Zinc (Zn) 0.01% Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products LOS OVADOS 200 SE NOV@ Solar Universal 20:20:20+3MgO+TE Redusal

Solar Finisher 12:6:36+2.5MgO+TE

Agroblend Solar Finisher 12-6-36 Home Fertilizer Product Information on the product Full name: Solar Finisher 12-6-36 +2.5MgO+TE It is an ideal formulation for the final phase of the vegetative cycle and fruit maturation. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Additional Information SOLAR FINISHER 12:6:36+2.5MgO+TE is an ideal formulation for the final phase of the vegetative cycle and fruit maturation. The high potassium content positively affects the uniformity, quality, and post-harvest shelf life of the fruits. It can be used through drip irrigation systems and foliar spraying. It can also be mixed with other products. Information Composition Composition Nitrogen (N) 12% – Nitrate Nitrogen 10.6% – Ammoniacal Nitrogen 1.4% Phosphorus (P2O5) 6% Potassium (K2O) 36% Sulfur (SO₃) 2% Magnesium (MgO) 2.5% Boron (B) 0.02% Copper (Cu) 0.01% Iron (Fe) 0.1% Manganese (Mn) 0.05% Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% Zinc (Zn) 0.01% Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products LOS OVADOS 200 SE Entec Special 12-12-17 (+2MgO+8SO₃) Entec Perfect 14-7-17 (+2MgO+22SO₃) Ammonium Nitrate 34.4% Nitrogen

Terraflex Starter 11-40-11+2MgO+TE

Agroblend Terraflex Starter Home Fertilizer Product Information on the product Full name: Terraflex Starter 11-40-11+2MgO+TE – Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Composition Composition – – Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Mixokem PHOSFIK PK Terraflex C 17-7-21+3MgO+TE UREA 46 N (46 % Azot)

Hydrofert 14-11-22+8Ca

Hydrofert 15-5-30+3MgO+TE NGA Biolchim. Hydrofert është një linjë e plehrave mikrokristaline të përbërë nga lëndë të para jashtëzakonisht të pastra, reaksion acid, tretshmëri e plotë dhe e menjëhershme.

Falë karakteristikave të tyre, produktet e hydrofert mund të përdoren si në fushë të hapur ashtu edhe në serra për të përmbushur kërkesat ushqyese të çdo kulture bujqësore në çdo lloj toke.

Master Gold NPK 20.20.20+TE

Plotësisht i tretshëm në ujë, ky formulim paraqet një përqendrim shumë të lartë në mikronutrientët në shkallën 1:1.

Nitrogeni ka tre forma (nitrik, amonium dhe ureik) në mënyrë që të garantohet një marrje graduale e elementit.

Fosfori, në formën e tij plotësisht të tretshëm në ujë, asimilohet lehtësisht nga bima.

Potassium, derived from nitrate, is completely chlorine-free and represents the best nutrition for all crops that require this important element.
EDTA-chelated micronutrients complete the nutritional profile.