Agroblend Kosova

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.



Corn Seed

Informacion rreth produktit

Hybrid with High Production Capacity for Grain & Silage

Production: A hybrid primarily for grain corn production, but also suitable for silage and biomass.

Harvest Security: Good green stability until the end, with fast drying at the end of the season.

Large and Healthy Ears: Large ears with red-colored kernels. Resistant to mechanical damage and insects.

Ju lutemi kontaktoni shërbimin teknik për këshilla mbi kultura dhe kushte specifike.



Karakteristikat Details
Type of Plant Tall
Ear Size Large
Tip of Ear Filling Very good
Kernel Type Horse tooth
Number of Rows 16 - 18
Number of Kernels per Row 45 - 47
Weight per 1000 Seeds 350g


Agronomic Characteristics

Agronomic Characteristics Details
Adaptability Suitable for various types of soil
Plant Development Fast
Green Stability Very good
Helminthosporiosis Resistant
Fusarium (plants): Resistant
Fusarium (ear): Resistant
Magazinimi: Very gOod
Water Stress Tolerance: Very good


Cultivation Information

Cultivation Information
Optimal Conditions Limited Conditions
Suitability ++++ ++++
Density seeds/ha (Silage) 85,000 75,000
Density seeds/ha (Grain) 80,000 70,000


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