Agroblend Kosova

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Potassio L25

Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Liquid potassium solution, promotes fruit growth and ripening.

Weight: 1 L ( 1,34 kg )

Consult the technical service for advice on special crops and specific conditions. It can be mixed with all common formulations, except for products based on Sulfur, Oils, and Oil emulsions. A test is recommended before large-scale treatment. It is advised to avoid application on wet plants or under high humidity conditions.



• Liquid fertilizer with high potassium content.
• Prevents and cures problems caused by potassium deficiency.
• Improves the color of fruits and sugar content.


Usage & Dosage

• Fruit trees, Grapes: From early vegetative stages to ripening, 4-5 applications with a dose of 20-40 L/ha.
• Industrial crops and open field vegetables: From early vegetative stages to harvest, 4-5 applications with a dose of 20-40 L/ha.
• Greenhouse vegetables and ornamental plants: Throughout the entire vegetative cycle, 4-5 applications with a dose of 2-4 L/1000 m².

Store in locked areas, away from direct sunlight, children, and food for humans and animals.
Avoid spills into the environment. If stored for a long period, mix well before use.



Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.



COMPOSITION w / w g / l
Potassium (k2o) soluble in water 25% 335


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