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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.



Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Weight: 1 L ( 1,39 kg )
Type: Biostimulant for Root Development and Fruit Enlargement!

Double the doses when applying to stressed crops or crops with limited root development. On sandy soils, reduce the doses and increase the number of applications.

Consult the technical service for advice on special crops and specific conditions. It can be mixed with all common formulations, except products based on sulfur, oils, and oil emulsions. A test is recommended before conducting large-scale treatment. Avoid application on plants that are wet or have high humidity levels.

Biolchim S.p.A. is responsible only for the product’s content and assumes no liability for damages caused by misuse of this product.



▪ Improves the development and functioning of the root system.
▪ Promotes balanced vegetative growth.
▪ Increases the size and uniformity of fruits.


Usage & Dosage

▪ Fruit trees and vines: At the start of flowering, after fruit setting, during fruit enlargement, with a dose of 15-20 L/ha.
▪ Strawberries: 10-15 days after transplanting, during vegetative awakening, before flowering, and during fruit enlargement, with a dose of 1.5-2 L/1000 m².
▪ Field vegetables and industrial crops: 10-20 days after transplanting.
▪ Greenhouse vegetables: 10-20 days after transplanting, after fruit setting of the first cluster, and during fruit enlargement, with a dose of 1.5-2 L/1000 m². For indeterminate crops and long cycles, repeat application periodically.
▪ Leafy vegetables: 10 days after transplanting, with a dose of 15-20 L/ha.
▪ Flowers: 10-20 days after transplanting.
▪ Potted plants: Immediately after potting, when flower buds appear, and during stem elongation, with a dose of 2-3 L/m³ of water.

Store in locked locations away from direct sunlight, children, and food for humans or animals. Avoid spills into the environment.

If stored for an extended period, mix well before use.



TAKE UP can be mixed with all standard formulations, except those with a strong alkaline reaction, copper-based products, mineral oils, and emulsions.


Other Information

Other Information
Product pH 5.7 ± 0.5
Organic components with nominal molecular weight <50 kDa: 30%



Composition w / w g / l
Organic Nitrogen (N) 1% 11.3
Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 10% 11.3


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