Agroblend Kosova

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


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Tomato Seeds

Information on the product

A strong and well-balanced plant with a very high yield. Recommended for first-season planting.

An early variety that develops well in spring, tolerating low temperatures and limited light.

In long cycles, it has good fruit-setting capacity even at high temperatures. A vigorous plant with healthy leaves and a strong root system. Intense red color and attractive fruits. 

Fruit shape: Flattened-Globular
Average fruit weight: 220-240g
Vigor: Medium-High
Ripening: Very early
Main transplanting season: Early spring
High resistance to: Vd, Fol (races 1, 2), ToMV, SI
Moderate resistance to: Mi, Mj, TYLCV

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.


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