Agroblend Kosova

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


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Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Weight: 1kg
Type: Fertilizer product based on micronutrients

Allowed in organic farming

Consult with technical service for advice on special crops and specific conditions. It can be mixed with all common formulations, except products based on sulfur, oils, and oil emulsions. A test is recommended before large-scale application. It is advised to avoid application on wet plants or under high humidity conditions.



Recommended for crops with high micronutrient requirements or for crops grown in particularly poor soils.


Usage & Dosage

Dosages are calculated for normal water distribution volumes.
• Foliar application
: 0.5 – 1 kg/ha
• Drip irrigation: 5-10 kg/ha

Used as a fertilizer by spreading it with mechanical tools directly on the soil, as well as through drip irrigation systems for all agricultural crops. The quantity and interval between applications depend on the crop and the terrain where it will be used.

• Fruit trees, wine and table grapes: 10-15 kg/ha (from vegetative growth, before flowering, during fruit set, and fruit enlargement)
• Vegetables and industrial crops: 5-10 kg/ha (from vegetative growth, before flowering, during fruit set, and fruit enlargement)
• Crops in greenhouses: 1–1.5 kg/1000 m² (before flowering, during fruit set, and fruit enlargement (vegetables) or throughout the entire vegetative cycle (leafy vegetables and flowers)).

Store in a secure place, away from direct sunlight, out of reach of children, and away from food for humans and animals. Avoid spills into the environment.



Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.



Content w / w
Iron (Fe) soluble in water 6.0%
Chelated iron from [o, o] EDDHA 4.8%
Chelated iron from [o, p] EDDHA 1.2%


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