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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Greenleaf 0-15-45

Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Weight: 1kg or 2.5kg
Type: Foliar NPK fertilizers with meso and micronutrients.
Products: Greenleaf 0-15-45, Greenleaf 34-6-12+TE

Foliar NPK Fertilizers with Meso and Micronutrients. High purity and solubility. Meets all nutritional needs.

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.



GREENLEAF® provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in appropriate ratios to meet the specific nutritional needs of each crop at every phenological stage (the ratio shifts toward nitrogen for vegetative growth, toward phosphorus for flowering, and toward potassium for fruit ripening).

GREENLEAF is complemented by chelated micronutrients and enriched with surfactants that ensure rapid and complete penetration into the leaves.

▪ Promotes fruit ripening.
▪ Supports vegetative growth in favor of fruit development.
▪ Improves tissue consistency.


Usage & Dosage

Foliar application.

The product: wine and table grapevines, horticultural and industrial crops, horticultural crops in greenhouses, and floriculture.

Store in secure, dry, well-ventilated places, away from direct sunlight, food for humans and animals, and out of reach of children.

Do not reuse the emptied packaging but recycle or dispose of it according to applicable laws.



The product can be mixed with all common formulations, except mineral oils, emulsions, and Bordeaux mixtures. A simple mixing test is recommended to check compatibility.

Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.


Other Information

Time Leaf Dosage
From fruit growth to harvest (2-3 applications). 2.5-3 kg/ha
From fruit growth to harvest or during the final stages of flowering (2-3 applications). 150-250 g/hL


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