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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.



Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Weight:  1 L ( 1,39 kg )
Type:  Soil Enhancer

The product is characterized by an acidic pH, which increases the root absorption properties and nutrients in the soil. Additionally, the acidic pH allows the product to have high compatibility with irrigation systems without the risk of leaching due to rainfall.

FULVUMIN, when applied alone or combined with NPK fertilizer, improves nutrient absorption due to its high content of fulvic acids. These compounds have a carrier action and stimulate root development as they have an auxin-like activity in root elongation. Furthermore, due to its high organic matter content, FULVUMIN improves soil structure, thus enhancing air and water circulation, leading to increased soil fertility.

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.



It is a formulation based on organic acids with a small molecular weight (gluconic acid and polyhydrocarboxylic acids), Calcium, and Magnesium.
▪ Improves soil structure and air circulation.
▪ Enables cultivation in saline soils.
▪ Promotes root growth and multiplication of soil microorganisms.


Usage & Dosage

Used in: Fruit trees, wine and table grapes, vegetables, industrial plants, and greenhouse plants.



The product can be mixed with all standard formulations. Avoid mixing with products that have alkaline reactions and those based on copper, sulfur, mineral oils, and emulsions.
It is recommended to conduct a simple test to check compatibility.

Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.


Application with drops

Culture Application Period Dosage
Used in: Fruit trees, wine and table grapes, vegetables, industrial plants The entire cycle 10-15 L/Ha
Greenhouse plants The entire cycle 1 - 1.5L/1000m2



Organic Matter 38.8%
Organic Matter, Based on Dry Matter 84.5%
Percentage of Organic Matter Based on Moisture Content 69.6%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 0.7%
C/N Ratio 70
pH (1% Solution) 4.8±0.5%
Density 1.2±0.002


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