Agroblend Kosova

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Solar Finisher



Solar Finisher 12:6:36+2.5MgO+TE


25kg / 55lbs


Solar Finisher 12:6:36+2.5MgO+TE

Information on the product

SOLAR FINISHER 12:6:36+2.5MgO+TE is an ideal formulation for the final phase of the vegetative cycle and fruit ripening. The high potassium content positively impacts the uniformity, quality, and post-harvest durability of the fruits. It can be used through drip irrigation systems and foliar spraying. It is also compatible with other products.


Store in locked areas, away from direct sunlight, children, and food for humans and animals. Avoid spills into the environment.

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