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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Solar Map 12:61:0

Fertilizer Product

Information on the product

Full name: Solar Map 12:61:0

It is a very good product for nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, easily assimilated by plants. The main feature of SOLAR MAP is the high content of water-soluble phosphorus (61% P2O5), and its low pH value makes this product safe for use

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.


Additional Information

SOLAR MAP 12:61:0 is a very good product for nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, easily assimilated by plants. The solubility of this formulation is perfect.

The main feature of SOLAR MAP is the high content of water-soluble phosphorus (61% P₂O₅), and the low pH value makes this product very safe to use.

The improved formulation is perfectly suited for use both at the beginning of vegetation and during the maturation phase.

SOLAR MAP can be used in drip irrigation systems and foliar spraying. It can also be mixed with other products and PMB.



Nitrogen (N) 12%
Phosphorus (P2O5) 61%
Potassium (K2O) 0%


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