Agroblend Kosova

Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Take up

Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Biostimulant rich in humic acids, revitalizes the soil.

Weight: 1 L ( 1,21 kg )

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. It can be mixed with all common formulations, except those based on Sulfur and fertilizers incompatible with Calcium. A trial is recommended before large-scale treatment.



• Liquid formulation with humic extracts derived from Leonardite.
• Suitable for foliar and root application.
• Nourishes and revitalizes the soil microbiota.
• Improves the colloidal activity of the soil by adjusting its physical-chemical structure and cation exchange capacity.
• Reduces salinity in the soil.
• Increases nutrient uptake by the plant.
• Improves root development and growth.
• Helps the plant to be more compact and maintain a good balance between the vegetative and reproductive phases.
• Enhances flowering, fruit setting, and fruit growth.
• Increases productivity and fruit quality.


Usage & Dosage

Fruit trees: from bud formation to fruit swelling, with a dose of 10-15 L/ha, used during drip irrigation alone or combined with NPK or other micronutrients.
• Vegetables: from planting and throughout the vegetative cycle with a dose of 10-15 L/ha, used during drip irrigation alone or combined with NPK or other micronutrients.
• Flowers and ornamental plants: from planting and throughout the vegetative cycle with a dose of 1-1.5 L/1000 m².
Foliar application:
Apply during the phases mentioned above, with a dose of 1 L/ha in a solution of 1000 liters/ha.



TAKE UP can be mixed with all standard formulations, except those with a strong alkaline reaction, copper-based products, mineral oils, and emulsions.

Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.


Percentage of weight as dry matter

Percentage of weight as dry matter. w / w g / l
Organic matter 89% -
Humic organic matter as a percentage of total organic matter. - -
Organic nitrogen (N). - -
C/N ratio (Carbon to Nitrogen ratio). - -



COMPOSITION w / w g / l
Organic matter 16.5% 183.1


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