Agroblend Kosova

Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.



Biostimulant Product

Information on the product

Weight: 1 L ( 1,48 kg )
Formula: N (CaO-MgO) 9 (10-5) (Mo)
Type: Calcium and magnesium nitrate solution with molybdenum

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. It can be mixed with all common formulations, except those based on Sulfur and fertilizers incompatible with Calcium. A trial is recommended before large-scale treatment.



▪ Has a fast effect due to the acidic pH (as a result of the reaction between Calcium and Magnesium with nitric acid).
▪ Supplies the plant with Molybdenum, a microelement involved in chlorophyll synthesis and the conversion of mineral nitrogen into organic nitrogen in leaves.
▪ Improves the firmness of the tissue.
▪ Prevents physiological disorders caused by Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies (such as blossom end rot, bitterness, tip burn, etc.).
▪ Prevents rotting of leaves and stems in cucurbits.
▪ Promotes optimal fruit enlargement.


Usage & Dosage

Foliar application:
▪ Fruit trees: Before flowering until fruit enlargement, 3-4 applications, 2-3 L/ha.
▪ Grapes for wine and table grapes: Before flowering, 1 application, 2-3 L/ha.
From fruit setting to berry enlargement, 3-4 applications, 2-3 L/ha.
▪ Field crops and open field vegetables: Before flowering until fruit enlargement, 3-4 applications, 3-5 L/ha.
▪ Leafy vegetables: Throughout the entire vegetative cycle, 2-4 applications, 2-4 L/ha.
▪ Greenhouse vegetables: Before flowering until fruit enlargement, 3-5 applications, 300-500 ml/HL.
▪ Flowering plants: Throughout the entire vegetative cycle, 3-5 applications, 200-300 ml/L/HL.

The doses are calculated based on normal application volumes.

Store in locked areas, away from direct sunlight, children, and food for humans and animals. Avoid spills into the environment.

If stored for a long period, mix well before use.



Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.


Application with drops

Application with drops
Leafy vegetables 10 L/ha
Greenhouse vegetables and flowering plants 1 L/1000 m²

In the same growth stages and at the same application intervals:
Fruit trees, Grapes for wine and table grapes, Field crops, and Open field vegetables.



COMPOSITION w / w g / l
Total Nitrogen (N) 9% 133.2
Nitrate Nitrogen (N) 9% 133.2
Calcium Oxide (CaO) soluble in water 10% 148
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) soluble in water 5% 74
Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water 0.07% 1.04


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