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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Ultra Mais & Wheat

Fertilizer Product

Information on the product

Full name: Ultra mais & wheat 30N + 7P2O5 + 5K2O

Ultra Mais & Wheat is a complete and rich fertilizer for all soils and agricultural crops..

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.


Usage & Dosage

Recommended Dosage:
– Corn: 3-5 q/ha
– Fruit trees, olives & vineyards: 3-5 q/ha
– Cereals (wheat, oats, etc.): 2-3 q/ha
– Potatoes, vegetables, etc.: 2-3 q/ha



Total Nitrogen (N) 30%
- Ureic Nitrogen (N) 100%
Phosphorus Pentoxide 7%
- P2O5 soluble in neutral ammonium citrate 98%
- P2O5 water-soluble 95%
Water-soluble Potassium Oxide 5%
Water-soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO) 12%
Water-soluble Total Iron (Fe) 0.02%
Water-soluble Zinc (Zn) 0.02%


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